Sweet Bonanza Unibet

Early Bustout BonanzaUnibetSweet Bonanza UnibetBonanza

Sweet Bonanza Xmas is a new release of Pragmatic Play's popular flagship online slot, which has millions of fans around the world. This Christmas version, colourful as the previous one, offers a renewed graphics and the possibility to multiply your bet up to 21,000 times. Unibet is owned by Kindered Group or formerly called as Unibet Group Plc Casinos is listed on the NASDAQ Nordic OMX Stock Exchange in Stockholm.

Sweet bonanza unibet stock

Antti Tinainen doubled with ace-king versus ace-jack and then bowed out before Andrei Dobrescu was eliminated by Traian Bostan when he shoved with :::Ad:::Kh and Bostan called with :::9c:::6c. The board came :::Qh:::9d:::3s:::6h:::Qd and that was it for Dobrescu.

'Sixty-nine, nice,' Toni Judet joked and earned smiles from the entire table.

Stefan Drusca won a flip with :::9c:::9d against the :::Ks:::Qs of Iulian Bleau and that reduced the field further.

In the meanwhile, Dara O’Kearney won his first two all in. First he flopped a boat with :::Qs:::Qh versus :::Ac:::2s on a board :::Ah:::As:::Qd:::4h:::Jc. Then he also held up with pocket fours and climbed to 20,000. Because of the bustout bonanza, he turned three eighth of a big blind into a pay jump … the grand master of short stack nursery strikes again.


Sweet Bonanza Unibet Tv

Stefan Drusca730,000141,000
Dara O’Kearney20,00017,000
Nikolay Ponomarev0-63,000
Tomas Ksenevicius0-91,000
Iulian Bleau0-136,000
Andrei Dobrescu0-26,000
Antti Tiainen0-108,000